Nov 09, 2018

Reading List for November 10-11

Personal Finance

  • Could developing countries and M-Pesa teach the US how to address the issues of the unbanked and underbanked? (CNN Business)
  • PBS announces a new series on personal finance called "Talkin' Money Minutes" is looking for a sponsor. They will be 2-3 minutes in length and air between shows. (Business Insider)
  • Charles Schwab’s daughter discusses the huge financial gender gap that goes way beyond the pay gap, and what can be done to help correct it. (MarketWatch)
  • Think twice about suggesting students rely on fintech. According to data from GFLEC’s2016 survey, those 18-34 year olds using mobile fintech apps aren’t making good financial decisions. (Quartz)


  • Need another reason to be concerned about bitcoin/cryptocurrency? Here you go: (Wired)
  • Ben Carlson of A Wealth of Common Sense puts the recent stock market swings into perspective.
  • Proving that what Ben Carlson says is true, this WSJ article attempts to predict the next bear market using lots of graphs of market data.
  • Ponzi Schemes still exist, and people still fall for them! (The Financial Bodyguard)
  • Michael Batnik’s post in The Irrelevant Investor also has lots of graphs but provides an interesting discussion about how your experience in the first years of your investing experience colors you going forward.
  • This Buttonwood article from the Economist discusses value investing over time and is a good follow-up to Batnik’s post.
  • The Legg Mason 2018 Global Investment Survey includes some surprising and alarming trends. Only 31% of those surveyed feel they will have enough money to retire comfortably. Breaking it down by age, millennials are much more confident (60%) than baby boomers (17%).


  • Show your kids/students this video and see if you can convince them to take a social media break. Ten girls went two weeks without social media, and this is what happened. (Good Morning America) Hint: benefits included better sleep, fewer arguments with parents, higher productivity, and more living "in the moment."

Chart of the week:

  • Another good one from Visual Capitalist on income distribution (reminds me of the book If the World Were a Village).  Be sure to go to the link to get the high resolution version.

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